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Secure Your Order Using Escrow

Escrow.com Reduces the risk of fraud by acting as a trusted third party that collects , holds and only disperses funds when both the buyer and seller are statisfied .

The step-by-step escrow process assures fraud protection for both the buyer and seller. Every step in your transaction is verified with proven tracking and verification procedures .

Escrow.com: Buy or Sell Online Without the Fear of Fraud

How does it work?

  • After winning your auction, select Escrow.com for settlement .
  • Agree to Escrow.com terms .
  • Pay Escrow.com .
  • Arrange to have product shipped to you .
  • Inspect your product .
  • Escrow.com pays Seller .

How much does Escrow.com Cost?

Buying Protection when ordering online is priceless. when you use Escrow.com's service, you can pay using bank wire. you can also pay by PayPal or Credit Card (maximum of $5,000 USD - see fees below). All settlement is done in U.S. Dollars .

Escrow.com's charge to you is :

Escrow.com: Buy or Sell Online Without the Fear of Fraud
Questions About Escrow?

Contact Solar Exchange Customer Care Department to learn more .